Ad placement

Ad placement

Ad placement

Ensuring our ads are seen by the right audiences

Audience measurement data allows companies to direct their marketing communications to certain segments of the population and reduce exposure to others. In line with international good practice, the Responsible Marketing Pact stipulates that, in traditional media, alcohol ads, including for alcohol alternatives, can only be placed in media where a minimum of 70% audience are adults.

Today, ad spend is increasingly shifting to digital media. These new channels allow advertisers to be more precise in their audience targeting. In 2021 Nielsen reviewed 43,768 online ads in six European countries and found that 0.28% of online ads are for alcohol [1]. Nielsen estimates that a minor would need to visit an average site 1,936 times before they might see an alcohol ad.

[1] Nielsen reviewed ads on websites and YouTube channels in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain.

2021 Report